Amazing WWII U.S. Army 3rd Infantry Division, 15th Infantry Regiment Medal Grouping to KIA Officer


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An absolutely incredible, and historically significant World War 2 period medal grouping to a U.S. Army Officer who was killed in action during the Battle of the Colmar Pocket alongside Audie Murphy!

Born April 25th, 1917 in New York City, 2nd Lt. Eugene Simeon Koshkin would attend Cornell University and enlist into the U.S. Army after graduating. He would be assigned to the 3rd Infantry Division, 15th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Battalion, Company I. Fighting all through the war with the 3rd, he would take part in all of their most famous and grueling battles of the war from French Morocco, the Invasion of Salerno, to the Battle of the  Colmar Pocket in France. In January he would become Commander of Company I in the 15th, he would be with 2nd Lt. Audie Murphy during the hard fighting in the Colmar Pocket. On the 24th of January 1945 2nd Lt. Eugene Koshkin, and 2nd Lt. Audie Murphy would be involved in a German counter attack while trying to hold their position outside Alsace, France….

Shortly after 08:00, Company I was overrun. Some soldiers were crushed under German tank treads or machine-gunned where they lay. Others managed to fall back into the Company K area closer to the river; still others were shot while trying to surrender. Most of the 3d Platoon of Company I were thought to have been captured. At last, around 2:30 that afternoon, the 1/15th Infantry counterattacked from the north with more armor, finally relieving those at the bridge site. That morning, trying to give the men under his command more time to find cover as they withdrew from the engagement at the crossroads, 2nd Lt. Koshkin charged forward and attempted single-handedly to take out one of the attacking armored vehicles. In doing so, he was shot and killed. For this action, he was posthumously awarded the Silver Star Medal for valor in combat. The citation of this award reads, in part: “His gallant actions and dedicated devotion to duty, without regard for his own life, were in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Army”. During this fighting 2nd Lt. Audie Murphy would earn his 2nd Purple Heart and 2nd Bronze Star, less than 36hrs later he would be evolved in the famous fight that earned him his Medal of Honor…

2nd Lt. Eugene Simeon Koshkin is buried in the Epinal American Cemetery in Dinoze, France, this group consists of both his World War 2 period Purple Heart and Silver Star, both of witch are government engraved and his original medals. There are also some original documents that were sent with the award (one of which is in rough shape), as well as the original rank insignia and ribbon bars. There is also a packet of research done on 2nd Lt. Koshkin.

When considering the story and attachment to to not only the famous 15th Infantry Regiment and Audie Murphy, but the overall sacrifice this man made for his men, this truly is an incredible group of WWII history!